Campaign notes: Education, crime and puzzling over a Globe endorsement
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By adamg on Sun, 11/01/2009 - 9:20am
The Globe compares Menino and Flaherty on education and crime.
Scot Lehigh reports on a visit by King Thomas the Eternal to the Globe, did not come away impressed.
David Kravitz, a Flaherty backer at Blue Mass. Group, dissects the Globe's endorsement of Menino, doesn't find much meat there.
Margery Eagan tags along with Flaherty for a day, doesn't really tell us anything new. Yvonne Abraham also spent a day with Flaherty, says we should thank him for pointing out everything that's wrong with Boston.
John Carroll notes Tom Menino apparently saying he's not getting any new blouses if re-elected.
Free tagging:
Gelzinis has a column too
And he actually lives in the city as opposed to the others. He knows the real Flats before he became Floon.
Gelzin is
Gelzinis does live in Boston, And his Sister in Law run's the Election Dept for Mayor Menino. So he is clearly not biased. In fact, it is a complete joke he is even allowed to write on the race as he is as much in the Tank as channel 7.
but ..
if you read his column over the years, he's been as tough on Menino as anyone else
of course, as a Southie guy, he knew Michael Flaherty when ...
Is that like a little visit?
A visity?
If I ever make enough to hire a copy editor
You're first in line!