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The least a Masshole can do
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By adamg on Wed, 02/25/2015 - 10:12am
Brian Vogel reports he drove with this guy "from Back Bay to Storrow and onto 93s."
A mobile snowbank on Huntington Avenue.
Free tagging:
Pardon my French
But how fucking lazy is this person?
The douche bagginess
is epic.
Cheap too
What owner of a posh Merc doesn't have covered garage parking?
I know, right?
Or have people to clear it off for them?
The cops were stopping people pulling out of long-term uncovered parking at the airport and making them clear off their cars, too. That isn't likely the source.
I know people making $35K a year who drive these things.
Yet they can't figure out why they are always broke.
Me too
see lots of these in my neighborhood.. really question where i went wrong in life (I have no car).
Then again, I'm not an idiot who gets themselves into major debt just to have a car to drive.
(T Rider for 15+ years here)
PSTD is real.
There's something about getting behind the wheel of a car that automatically creates entitlement anxiety. I was a T rider for decades (and still use it occasionally) until I finally got a driver's license and then a car. I loved snowstorms until I got a car and had to shovel it out. Now I hate them and get seriously anxious about them. This month has been the worst. I have a rented spot for my car so I haven't even had to deal with the space saver wars and I don't use it to get to work. The tiny spot of patience that remains when I need to use the car is gone. Yes, I suffer from mild Post Snow Traumatic Disorder, which will only resolve with the snow piles melting.
Still, that's no excuse for leaving that pile on the car. Is he part of the Olympic Organizing Committee?
Likely also a T rider
If that car has been parked for weeks, the owner must have been getting around some other way. By bicycle? By foot? By T?
a business traveler who has been away for weeks.
Or at one of their winter homes
and had to come back to Boston mid-week for some reason, because week+ business travelers less often travel mid-week.
(T Rider for 15+ years here)
We hope you get to your destination someday soon...
Sorry.. my name isn't Charlie!
I used to see a pizza
I used to see a pizza delivery driver who drove around in a late model Benz in Lower Roxbury.
Cover for drug deliveries
Been done before.
Ten bucks says this Mercedes
Ten bucks says this Mercedes driver has angrily shouted "cyclists are the worst!" while having 3 feet of dangerous snow on top of their car.
They are.
I keed! I keed!
You kidding me, Mercedes benz
You kidding me, Mercedes benz drivers don't do manuel labor, especially when they're in a hurry.
No, they just have Manuel do it for them.
Jerk in a Merc!
Jerk in a Merc! :)
Hey he's not lazy!!!
Check out how well he meticulously covered his license plate to cover his proverbial ass. That's what I like to call thinking ahead.
Would love to be there
When the driver hits the breaks hard.
As Long As...
... you aren't behind him.
I would be keeping my distance
Out of an abundance of caution.
This dick needs to get pulled over.
This dick needs to get pulled
Yeah, don't hold your breath on that one.
you mean in cr
he'll get it, not the guy behind
if he hits the breaks, the pile will slide down his windshield. It will fly off behind him if he accelerates enough or is driving fast enough that the wind takes it. For city driving, he'll be the one to pay (and will still do it the next time anyway).
I'm equally concerned about
I'm equally concerned about the guy taking a picture while driving.
This winter
...has really driven home* how much MA drivers deserve one another.
(*not intended, I swear)
Its on Storrow
So obviously they are stopped.
love how he didn't clear his
love how he didn't clear his plate number too
Nine out of ten Mercedes
owners are Massholes.
Cripes, he/she also did not clean off their license plate.
I never knew Germany had such a large
Expat Mass community.
What a bunch of bastards.
Gotta Love
How the driver conveniently left his license plate covered in snow, too.
Does masshole apply to
Does masshole apply to transplants (non natives) because i think it is unfair to paint all mass drivers with such a broad brush,,,this person could be from Asia where no one knows how to drive or from Down south where snow might be foreign. Also can only people from other places call massholes massholes or is it locals calling eachother massholes out of affection? I am from here but still dont know.
People use it like it's
People use it like it's synonymous with bad driving, but I've always seen it as term for calculated, self-serving aggression.
A "Masshole" might cut you off in a line of cars queued up for an exit without using their blinker, but they know exactly what they're doing. An inattentive moron will drift into your lane without a blinker, but have no awareness of it. They'll probably cruise in the passing lane as well and not process that dozens of cars are passing them on the right. I'd rather deal with a true Masshole than a bad driver any day.
One thing's for sure
It definitely applies to casual racists.
Not just Massholes, New Hampshire as well
License plate number
I have a picture of the front of his car showing the license plate number.
Post it!
And tweet @Massstatepolice.
Publish the plate number
It's public information
One point for the windows
I'll give the guy credit for at least fully clearing all the windows. Was behind a person today whose back window was 95% covered with snow and another person who nearly hit us driving with the front windshield 80% covered as they furiously ran their (ineffective) wipers.
The least anyone can do...
...is focus on driving rather than taking pictures.
Storrow Drive Inbound at 9:00am...
...had me stopped in traffic.
I am pretty talented and can hold my foot on a brake pedal while snapping a photo.
Still bad practice...
Just put the damn thing away.
call the cops!
Call the cops. Mass SP has been pushing for people to clear their vehicles. It's a ticket-able violation. I'm sure MSP wouldn't mind the complaint.
A new term for this
The Pilgrims had the 1st one apparently
MassHat - the former symbol/logo of the former? Mass. Pike Authority
- a pilgrim hat with an arrow through it.
Lose a little bit on the sides, and it's like a Mohawk for your car.
Did you forget ?
People today think they are entitled to something. You know what ? Whoever thinks that and there are a lot of you out there, you better think twice because as far as I'm concerned you better look around because it isn't happening where I come from. Stop thinking that way becsuse your entitled to nothing and as far as this piece of crap driving this car your nothing but a lazy piece of shit who has no courtesy or respect for your fellow driver. Your lucky I wasn't behind you because I guarantee you that I would of had a cop on your ass because they are looking for idiots like you seeing that it caused another fellow driver to lose their life.
Tell us how you really feel.
How much do you wanna bet he
How much do you wanna bet he left a space saver in his spot for all his "hard work" too?!
Not to pile on (no pun intended)...
...but doesn't it look like he or she is just completely stopped in the left lane, trying to merge to the right just before the exit? Doesn't look like any traffic blocking the lane he or she is in.
Wicked Masshole
Someone should make "MASSHOLE" shirts with this picture on it!!
It would be a killer @ Faneuil Hall this Summer!!!
#Percentage of the profits are welcome...
This just in ....
So it turns out the Globe tracked down the driver and he feels really bad. See, he got divorced and had the kids that week and was really worried about that parent teacher conference and whether he'd totally screwed up his kids by getting divorced and so when he found out that his kids were doing fine he was so overwhelmed he just raced back to the car and drove off without stopping to clear the roof, then he parked and forgot where he parked because he was so distracted and finally when he found it he was so relieved he didn't think to clear the roof.
you didnt get his license plate # to publicly embarass him. Man, you are slacking. The initial knee-jerk reactions of the trolls wont have half as much ammo. No worries, i hear star magazine is hiring.