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Trumpland, MA: Finally, a false flag

New commenting turned off as we begin the Great UHub Migration. Back later today.

People who really are opposed to the Trump presidency are warning other people away from an alleged anti-Trump rally Friday night on the Common. No, don't show up at the Common prepared for "an intimidating show of force" in which to "smash the fascists."

UPDATE: Now the page is for a neo-Nazi pep rally.



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Any screenshots of what it said previously?

Trump screenshot

Yes, I blacked out the names of people I'm friends with.

I remember the lessons my 6th grade teacher, Miss Tivnan, taught us about our democracy and how the Electoral College system works.

This year, the actual election for president will take place on December 19th.

Miss Tivnan taught us that the electors are expected to cast their ballots for the designated candidate, but they're not bound by law to do so. Of course, it's most likely they will, but this election has demonstrated that nothing should be assumed and anything can happen.

After teaching its history and how it worked, Miss Tivnan opined that the Electoral College was obsolete. She explained how it typically works correctly and reflects the popular vote, but how it was flawed and had failed in 1888 and 1876. Miss Tivnan also explained how it could be changed through a Constitutional amendment to elect the president by popular vote, which she favored.

That was fifty years ago when teachers had more freedom to plan their lessons and also express their own opinions; to an extent; as part of the teaching process. The Electoral College system failed again in 2000, and apparently will fail once again this year. Miss Tivnan was a smart teacher!

He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump, He's in my head.

New UHub:

He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump, He's in my head.
Guy shot in the head at Dudley
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Moon rise is cool
He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump, He's in my head.
High tide at Commercial Wharf
He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump, He's in my head.
Guy shot on Harrison Ave
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Storm clouds over Brighton/Allston
He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump, He's in my head.

GET A FUCKING GRIP. Trump won the election. There's no electoral college shenanigans that will change that. There's no magic unicorn thing that will change that. Some asshole kid from some liberal college driving around in his mother's Toyota with a rebel flag won't change that. IT HAPPENED, OKAY? Having a riot won't change it. Look, that letter in Natick, well, I hope the sender finds out the hard way that the USPS scans ALL snail mail. They know where and when it was sent. There might be prints or DNA. I don't know who sent it, but I do hope the person is caught. I have my opinions on what happened in this election but I'll keep them to myself to avoid triggering the easily triggered.
Who knows. He might turn out to be a good President. As I said eight years ago, "I'll support him, he's my President, I hope he does well."

Is asking you people to do that a bridge too far?

Piss off

now I got that Lump song stuck in my head. you suck.

and as far as

Who knows. He might turn out to be a good President.

I know.
He won't turn out to be a good President.

I got that Lump song stuck in my head.


...and raise you one. Safe for work.


I originally was one of those "just wait and see what happens". OK I waited a week and now i see he's putting in white supremacists into his cabinet. Yeah that's not OK. Now he's back to saying he wants to 'round up all the immigrants and build a wall' crappolla.

Yeah he'll do fine job as president.. right. Fine don't care about human rights, look at his tax plans. Get ready to pay more for less. Say bye bye to Social Security and Medicare, that's going too. I hope you don't plan on getting old either. Yeah he's going to do a fine job as president.. a fine job ripping this country and its constitution and tossing it into the toilet.

He's already broken three of his campaign promises, and if he keeps his opinion about the gays ("the court settled that"), he's gonna piss off most of his cabinet so I expect that opinion to change also.

He also has no clue even to where to begin. It's sad that an outgoing president is going to spend extra time on the transition (and I'm sure Obama is so excited to do that), that Trump and his team had no idea he had to re-staff most of the white house? This guy is clueless on what needs to happen.

And his reply to all of these notes and what not.. "stop it". Yeah he's gonna do a fine job as president corralling his supporters... not. Yeah just wait for the next 'big tragedy' to happen.. like a school shooting or a bombing. He won't know what to do with himself.

Yeah he's shaping up to be a fine president indeed. And I have some beautiful ocean front property in Holyoke I wanna sell ya also.

And btw the, I'm not some asshole kid from a liberal college driving around my parents Toyota. I'm 40, I never went to college, and I don't own a car. But I'm also old enough to remember when protesting meant you wanted a change. I'm glad to see protests, it means this isn't what we wanted. I'm glad to see it happen, means people aren't as self absorbed as I thought we were.

The original song is by the Presidents of the United States of America.

Also, ironically, while you're trying to defend Trump by linking him to those lyrics, one of the next lines is:

Trump lingered last in line for brains
And the one he got was sorta rotten and insane

I know who sang it. I have the CD.

Also, ironically, it's not about Trump. It's about you. He's so far in the left of center mind that folks are actually losing it. Some CEO wanted to 'get a sniper rifle'. Clue, not good to make that kind of threat.
Hey, the DNC owns Trump. He beat sixteen of the toughest Republicans in the country and Hillary had to cheat to beat a seventy three year old commie.

"elections have consequences"
Trump will deport 3 million criminals...as opposed to Obama's number of 2.5 million.
Yet, all the clutching of pearls about Trump. Sorry, he's in your head.

Trump should install Milo Yiannopoulos as his press secretary...great idea, wish I thought of it.
Well, Happy Fun Victory Week is drawing to a close, so I have to go finish raking the yard before it rains.

Trump is no more a liberal than he is a conservative. He's a narcissistic money grabber, going back 40 years. The problem is the people around him have no such tendencies. Worry about and watch Bannon, Pence and McConnnell.

Pat yourself on the shoulder for a job well done, it's you and your kind that got Trump elected. People are tired of living in a PC gestapo, surrounded by "you will do as we want or we'll accuse you of every *ism imaginable and get you fired from your job" on all sides. Had that not gotten out of control we would have someone sane like Kasich. Or Clinton for that matter, had she decided not to drag the mothers of unsuccessful would-be cop killers onto the DNC stage.

People are tired of living in a PC gestapo, surrounded by "you will do as we want or we'll accuse you of every *ism imaginable and get you fired from your job" on all sides.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Do you think the Gestapo accused people of isms to try -- TRY -- to get their employers to fire them?

You're obviously the sort of spoiled brat who sprays rage-fueled spit at the very idea that you can't be an asshole at all times and in all places without any consequences. You're the sort who laments the wussification of America and the rise of PC culture. Your grandparents must have died before you were born; otherwise I suspect they would have explained to you that back in their day, if you said or did things that reflected poorly on your employer, you were liable to "ge fired from your job". If you behaved in antisocial ways, people would not think well of you, and would express their opinions; they were not obligated to treat you as if you were a decent human being. Believing that you should have some kind of special-snowflake license to be an asshole free of consequences marks you as nothing but a petulant spoiled brat. It's a shame that no one took more care with your upbringing.

The Gestapo hung people on meathooks. Your butthurt can get to the back of the line.

IMAGE( http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g351/clubcarbrew/troll%20threads_zpsuv3rtia8.jpg )

I remember when Obama was elected President and folks on the right said he was "not my president." Guess what they were called? Wait for it... RACISTS! That term along with bigot, sexists etc. has become meaningless due its omnipresence.

When people don't like Obama because he is black, that is racism.
When people don't like Trump because he is racist, that is not racism.

Donald Trump will take office on January 20.

Want to do something about it? Get organized.

Republicans stopped everything they wanted with Obama. Democrats can do the same.

Organize, fund raise, get out the vote.

That is how you win.

Well said. Trump isn't cancer -- his positions can be resisted and overcome.

Don't forget: A majority of Americans didn't vote for the guy. He does not represent the will of the people.

Smash the MCAS! Down with the SAT!

Weren't Republicans able to stop a good deal of Obama's policies because they controlled Congress?

Because... they still do, and still will when Trump takes over.

That's not past tense.

Walk before you run and focus on being able to win an argument on merit and not emotion and name-calling. You will go far.

The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one.

And bring it up the next time someone decides to tell us all about what he believes without backing it up with a single shred of credible evidence.

Actually, they couldn't. Ironically since Obama never went through Congress to pass these laws( he must have been high during his Constitutional law studies) the next president can throw them out. This price of a "pen and phone" president... Guidance letters, executive orders, rules and regulations can just be reversed since hardly any of them were passed as actual legislation through Congress. Need some examples? Iran deal, Paris Climate deal, Obama's Clean Power Plan, Dreamers Act and many others.

Obama tried, at the beginning of his presidency, to work with Republicans, but they had vowed to block every bit of legislation so that he would fail and not have a second term. That's public record. We can thank the Tea Party for refusing to work with different opinions and seeing compromise as a dirty word. Obviously a country with a diverse population can only work when people are willing to compromise for the greater good. These guys were willing to sabotage the country and its citizens so they could stay in power. Let's not rewrite history.

...but some of us are capable of organizing AND protesting.

You're calling other people out -- what are YOU doing?

I don't think you'll find too many Trump voters on the Common Friday night, or any other night. All of us fascists will be heading home to family or heading out to dinner to support the economy. God Bless any homeless who may look Republican. Liberal anger knows no bounds.

I got a few Trump supporters in my family.

They were out of work in the Bush admin. They were out of work in the Obama admin. They can't hold a job because they are drunk all the time. But they blame Obama for their lot in life. They have plenty of time on their hands.

Just like they will have plenty of time on their hands at the end of the Trump admin too.

...and apply for one of those sweet sweet coal mining jobs that will be plentiful under President Trump, who promised it and thus it will definitely come to pass.

Clinton entered office with a bad economy, left office with a surplus
Bush left office with the worst recession in generations
Obama leaves office with low unemployment and a strong economy

Since the late 80s the biggest economic gains have come from democrats and the worst recessions have happened under republicans. The guys hoarding gold coins and guns aren't exactly known for their economic contributions.

Its all about feelings now.

And we all know that you aren't allowed to challenge anyone's BELIEFS!

Nope, otherwise those safe space social justice warriors will run you out of town!

Budget-wise, I admire President Bill Clinton (D) and Speaker Newt Gingrich (R). Both sides deserve credit for the balanced budget in those days. Trump would be wise to follow a similar game plan. Speaker Gingrich and Sen. Bob Dole once bought me a cold drink at the Park Plaza and I will never forget. Make America Great Again. #MAGA


Sure does look like a good night to go burn things! Please comment with your full name and address, so that I might send you a note of encouragement.

I don't see any reference to that? Are you making this up because youre still upset over the election. If so you should grow up.

Do you see the green frog up there now? Go Google neo nazi pepe.


"This page has been hacked by the Russians"?

A nickel (up from my usual penny wager) says this is a troll all around.

Not a Trumpkin or a Bernie Bro, just a jerk.

Boycotting the Internet and TV for a while...

I've tuned into WCRB for most of the past 2 months.

As an Asian Millennial who follows way too much internet memes, Pepe the Frog is a meme that is currently in a tug of war what it represents - including the original creator of the character. From what I can tell, it is has been organically as just another reaction face to an identity symbol of Trump Supporters.

The one association that I do believe is artificial is Pepe as a Neo-Nazi symbol. I believe that association was generated by the Clinton campaign trying to attack it from its use as a Trump subreddit meme by framing it as Neo-Nazi. Now by a combinations of people not aware and hearing it with multiple repetitions of people saying it, Neo-nazi might now genuinely accepted it as one their own symbols, but to call it a neo-nazi symbol by the mere image is not looking at all the facts.

Pepe is currently a battleground between people who still use it as just another reaction face, the creator and his fans, Trump Supporters of the 4Chan and The_Donald type, and (possibly) neo-nazi groups.

Now I'm kind of hoping for cheerleaders and a marching band!